EURO CERTIFICATIONS offers certification approved by ASCB (Europe) Ltd of United Kingdom which represents some of the most trusted and respected accreditation services in the world.
The benefits of certifications would be:
- Customer focus and confirmation of your quality orientation to your customers.
- Continuous process up gradation.
- Continuous improvement.
You would no doubt, agree that this would upgrade your customer orientation and improve customer perception.
EURO CERTIFICATIONS brings you internationally recognized services conducted by competent certification auditors at affordable rates. Promoters of Euro Certifications has been in business for over 10 years now and has valuable certified clients, companies in industries as diverse as Aerospace, Manufacturing, Professional Services, General Engineering, Software and Healthcare. Certifications include ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, ISO 20000, ISO/IEC 10021-1:2003, ISO 13485, ISO 15408, ISO 19119, ISO 50001, ISO 30000, OHSAS 18001, and HACCP & CE Marking etc. We also offer full range of training services and Lead Auditor Courses. .